Friday, June 3, 2011

A Case for Running: The Runner's Community

So, normally I don't do this post until Monday, but I'm in the process of moving and I don't know when I'll have internet access, so I'm planning ahead and doing it now.

     Hopefully, if you've begun your running journey, you've noticed a sort of camaraderie amongst runners.  I noticed it back before I had the twins.  I was running one beautiful day and a whole bunch of other runners were out too.  Most of us had iPods blaring in our ears, but every single one of us gave a smile and a wave as we passed each other.  Later, while waiting for the crosswalk sign to give me the go ahead, another runner came up to wait with me.  I could tell she was saying something to me, so I turned off the iPod and heard her ask how far I was running today.  "6 miles," I replied.  "That's awesome!"  she said, and off she went.  Yeah, it WAS awesome and thank you, strange runner, for saying so!  Every time I meet a runner of any skill level, I'm always met with kindness and encouragment.  I tell a marathon runner of 10+ years that I finally ran 8 whole miles and she says, "You go, girl!"   She wasn't shutting me down and laughing at my mileage accomplishment.  And she could have considering how many endless miles she's ran and races she's won.  Instead, she patted me on the back and asked to come running with me sometime.
     And whenever someone writes me, since starting this blog, and tells me they want to try running or get back into it, I feel complete happiness for that person, overjoyed that they'll join the running ranks.  If I thought about it, I could feel like this person will most likely be some stiff competition sometime in the future and get a bit uptight and later turn nasty toward that person all in the name of competitive sports.  Nah, I feel too good when I run to act like that! 
     The cool thing about this camaraderie is that when others don't understand your zest for running, we runners will.  When others look at you like you're crazy because you went running at 5 am this morning, we'll be out there with you being just as crazy.  Need a pep talk?  Find a fellow runner and you'll get just that and much more.  Need tips on how to better your time and run farther, ask another runner and you'll freely receive advice and a good helping of encouragement too. 

So, if you're looking into becoming a runner, here is my third reason:  the runner's community.  Join now!

I'm running my first race, a 5K, on the 11th and I can't wait to be on the road with other runners.  I'll make sure to write a post all about my race experience.  Hopefully, I get internet up and running (no pun intended) ASAP when we get to the new house and I can keep posting and reading your awesome comments.

Side note:  I am currently looking into this, but I think that cyclists might have something against runners.  I've never gotten a single wave or smile from one of those folks.  Just something to think about. 

Comment time:  What's your take on the runner's community?  Share encouragment  and advice with us via comments or to my email

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