So perhaps you noticed and then perhaps you didn't, that I have no report on the Iona Days 10K that I was supposed to run. Well that's because I didn't run it. No I didn't just skip out on it. I didn't run it because the organizers of Iona Days did not have a 10k to run. They had a 5k, but I've run 3 of those this summer and I wanted a 10k to run. So I chose to leave Iona Days alone and seek after another 10k to run, one that was actually going to happen. There has been this race listed on the Teton Running events calendar and I've been eyeing it all summer. It's called Nite Lites. You run it at night. You start at a time where you think you can finish your race closest to midnight. You run covered with reflectors and other lighted objects and are met with "surprises" along the way according to the race organizers. Honestly, it sounded like a lot of fun. You even get to make your own race number and they give out rewards for the coolest design. My sister-in-law, Keersten, saw the same race and wanted to run it too. Since we both had skipped out on running in Iona Days, we decided that we needed to run in this race.

So that is my little explanantion at to why I have yet to run a 10K. The Nite Lites race is on August 12th. If you're interested, they also have a 5k and a half marathon. I believe they might also have a 1 mile walk/run too. It's always fun to run a race, but it's cool that occasionally you get to run a really cool race like this. I'm so excited! Keersten and I need to find someone willing to take pics that late at night because our husbands will be at home with the kids. Any volunteers?
Check it out!
Nite Lites.
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